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E4's DECRYPT IT is a world outside of these celebrities' bubbles, an interactive challenge. This weeks nautical themed escape room involves clues and codes, the hunt for keys and mind-games.

3 celebrities have been selected to face the room, they will need to work together as a team in order to escape.

But will tensions rise when an intruder is among them...

60 minutes on the clock. Will they escape? Or will the pressure be too great? 

Their time will soon be up

Meet this weeks celebrities:

American Comedy Award winner, Ava Riley

Age: 18

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Highest recognised British environmentalist,

Luna Morgu

Age: 21

Social media Influencer

Kerry Elloi

Age: 19

DECRYPT IT's latest episode opening sequence:

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Celebrities will decipher through secret codes, searching for symbols or patterns that will give them the next clue. Using maps, blue-light and co-ordinates to solve the riddle of the ship's hidden treasure. Keys are lost around the ship and will need to be found to unlock hideaways and secret drawers. Will they manage to figure it out in time? Find out next week...

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Presenting this year's series is oscar winning actor and presenter Jack Dean

Rated 2020's most involving reality TV programme by The Daily Second


Reviews from viewers:


"I find the celebrities to be hilariously relatable; i could easily immerse myself in the show for hours"

- anonymous 


"It was so lovely to see a programme spread awareness about such an important cause, me and my partner were overjoyed and are keen to watch next weeks' episode"


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